When are wisdom teeth removed?
If the tooth is not causing problems, your dentist will not want to remove it. Wisdom teeth removal is indicated when:
It is clear that they there is not enough room for them to erupt into the oral cavity in the correct position and causing pain or discomfort
These teeth are decayed and maintaining oral hygiene is difficult
Causing decay of the tooth in front of it due to the incorrect position in the jaw
What are the Indications for tooth removal?
Wisdom or Impacted teeth
Severe caries (cavity) that cannot be restored through fillings
Pulpal damage to a tooth which cannot be treated through root canal treatment
Failed root canal therapy
Excessive bone loss and tooth mobility leading to periodontal diseaseFor orthodontic treatment (braces) where there is severe crowding
Patients receiving chemotherapy or having an organ transplant and there is a high risk of infection
Trauma due to a fall or accident and tooth cannot be saved
Broken or cracked teeth where repair is not possible
Teeth involved in jaw fractures
Retained baby teeth
Super-numerary or extra teeth causing problem in the development of other teeth
What are the post-operative instructions?

Eat soft and liquid diet like mashed potatoes, pudding, yogurt etc for the first 24 hours and progress to other easy to chew foods after two days
Have cold food-stuffs for the first 24 hours like cold milk, juices, ice-creams etc. Avoid using a straw
Chew with teeth that are far from the extraction site
Brush and floss the other teeth as usual and keep the extraction site clean. Use mouth-rinses
Do not smoke for the first 36 hours. Smoking will delay healing and can cause a very uncomfortable and painful condition known as “dry socket”
Start warm saline gargles from the next day
Avoid rubbing the area with your tongue or finger
Do not bite on the lower lip or other numb areas of the mouth (especially in children)
Avoid strenuous exercise during the first 24 hours